
What is it?

Faction is the culmination of a semester of exploration of the idea of motivation. Starting with the basic necessities of life that once motivated our ancestors, to more modern forms of motivation such as a happy and healthy workplace to go to every day. Faction is all about promoting confidence in the daily office worker, in order to achieve a more positive relationship with work and thereby motivating them to be there best every single day.

In the end, Faction is much more of a concept than an actual product. An application was made, along with a website, with the description of Faction being a application that allows the user to practice and learn daily, improvements to there speech patterns and delivery in group settings or peer to peer conversations.

Faction is powered by the “Faction Engine”, an advanced social learning algorithm, that works by taking user data and learning the speech patterns that work and don’t work. It is then able to synthesize this information into suggestions for the end user to improve there speech.

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  • Final Website Design

My biggest challenge during this project has very clearly been the transition from the idea for a physical object to the creation of a service. It took quite a lot of thinking in order to let go of the alarm clock as an idea and look at what it represented, routine care.

My biggest success during this project has to be the website because it really ended up being the majority of the ideas of the brand, translated clearly, and I am happy with the design.

Successes and Challenges